Our Clients

Roxana, London, 4 Weeks

As an active mum of two and working full time as a post woman, Roxana was always on the go but struggled to lose the extra weight around her stomach.

Fast forward 4 weeks….wow! What a difference a specific health and nutrition plan can make. No longer skipping meals, no longer munching on kid sized snacks and her children’s left over food, Roxana is fit, happy, healthy and in control!

“I would recommend this program to people, I have already told all of my colleagues and friends. They ask me “what diet are you on?” I told them that I am not on a diet but this is my lifestyle. In the past I have yo-yo dieted and when I needed to lose weight I would eat less. Yes it would work but only for a short time and then I would gain it back on. I chose this program because I liked the pictures and believed that it would work. It wasn’t about dieting but about learning what to eat and making healthier choices! Now I think about what my body needs and pick foods to help nourish it. It wasn’t until I saw the pictures of my 1 month transformation that I realised what state my body was in. Every day on the program I would feel better and have more energy but now seeing the changes I am so pleased and happy. My work colleagues have noticed the changes and my clothes feel looser! I encourage people to do this program because it is healthy for you and good to learn what your body needs! I have done it with my husband and we both are excited about the next phase!”

Samantha, London, 4 Weeks

11lbs down in her first month! Samantha is in charge of a busy café in London and is often surrounded by sugary temptations. Long hours, malnutrition, surviving off of sugar pick me ups. Samantha was gaining weight and felt tired, sluggish and that the weight was affecting her ability to practice yoga – one of her passions in life. Understanding nutrition allowed Samantha to fuel her body, sustain and balance her energy throughout the day and feel stronger than ever in her activities and passions.

Sarah, UK, 30 days

7lbs down, 5cm off of her waist and hips. Rewiring Sarah’s mindset from a dieting one to nourishing, was a hard task but one which Sarah took in her stride. Previously suffering from sugar addiction, energy lows and bloating, in 30 days Sarah felt back in control of her eating habits, health and gained confidence back in her body and ability to prioritise her needs.

before and after photo of a woman who used our services here at Nutrition Effect

Jayne, Belfast, 12 Weeks

Working in an office based environment, temptations were a common battle; biscuits, cakes, eating out at lunch… it was all part of the social mingling at work.

Always battling with weight from a young age, Jayne just didn’t feel like herself and knew she needed to make a change. After 12 weeks and 22lbs down, she now enjoys fuelling her body with nutrient dense foods, keeping active swimming and going to the gym, but also balancing social events too. Baking and meals out are still part of her weekly schedule but she is no longer craving sugar and feels in control!

Emma, Portsmouth, 4 Weeks

From starting off with low to no energy, dehydrated, snacking on foods and not really giving herself the attention and needs her body deserved, Emma has now changed her mindset completely.

Full of confidence, energy and a positive mindset, Emma has dropped weight, is now in need of a new wardrobe to suit her new body shape and confidence.

Find out how we can help you